Start trading RECs now in 3 simple steps:

1. Complete the relevant certificate assignment form & save it on your computer

2. Click on the “email” button to open an email to earthXchange Traders

3. Attach your completed assignment form along with scans of your proof of purchase and proof of installation. Submit the claim to [email protected]

Mandatory documents required for solar hot water or heat pump STC claims:​

1. The assignment form completely filled out and signed
2. Proof of purchase such as a tax invoice or a receipt for the system
3. Proof of installation such as a plumbing or electrical compliance certificate
4. Photos of the installation that include the system model and serial number

Mandatory documents required for solar electricity (PV) STC claims:

1. The assignment form completely filled out and signed
2. Proof of purchase such as a tax invoice or a receipt for the system
3. A copy of the certificate of electrical safety
4. Photos of each panel serial number
5. Photos of the installer on-site at the start, middle, and end of the installation.

Mandatory documents required for solar hot water or heat pump VEEC claims:

1. The assignment form completely filled out and signed
2. Proof of purchase such as a tax invoice showing the STC & VEEC discounts
3. A copy of the certificate of electrical safety
4. A copy of the plumbing compliance certificate stating, what unit and how it
was decommissioned, the new model number, and the new serial number
5. A geo tagged photo of the old unit installed
6. A geo tagged photo of the old unit decommissioned
7. A geo tagged photo of the new unit installed
8. A geo tagged photo of the new unit serial number